Deep explorations into the composition of Metrorail’s customer base shows that Metro has a wide reach – and that the five-day-a-week rider may not be as common as you think.
Metro (bus and rail) moves 1.1 million people per day, right? Well, technically we see that many trips (transactions) per day, but how many individual customers is that? When you look at your fellow passengers on-board a train, how many are frequent commuters? How many rarely ride? In addition to counting trips, we’ve begun to monitor customers – the number of unique SmarTrip cards and paper tickets used on the system in a month.
We’re starting with Metrorail at first.
Metrorail typically handles roughly 730,000 trips on a weekday, which are generated by about 400,000 unique customers. Some of those customers ride frequently, and others will ride only once in the month. As the chart below shows, of the 730,000 trips, only about two-thirds are generated by frequent customers. Not surprisingly, frequent customers dominate more during the peak times.

Typical weekday rail ridership (trips) by customer’s monthly frequency (trips/month)
Surprisingly, over 17% of all trips are generated by customers who take eight trips/month or fewer– that’s fewer than once per week. That may not seem like much, but in order for infrequent customers to generate so much of our ridership each and every day, there must be a LOT of them! Read more…
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