Momentum and ConnectGreaterWashington: What’s the Difference?

October 7th, 2013

Momentum is just one component of Metro’s vision for the future of transit in the Washington region.

We know that there are many questions about the relationship between Momentum, Metro’s strategic plan, and ConnectGreaterWashington, Metro’s long-range Regional Transit System Plan. These are two really ambitious, visionary plans that put forth a vision both for the Authority itself, as well as the transit map of the future. So below is a handy reference guide that compares the two plans across a variety of factors. This FAQ is a work in progress, so please add questions below and we will modify the table with other key details.






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  • Develop actions that Metro can take to meet the mission, vision and goals adopted by WMATA’s Board.
  • Identify key infrastructure initiatives, defined as Metro 2025, that Metro can implement to maximize the existing system without expanding it.
  • Develop the future transit map that the region needs to meet its projected population and employment growth.
  • Note the plan is being developed without specific operators in mind, especially for the high capacity surface transit corridors. However, a subset of the overall plan will come under Metro’s purview, build on Metro 2025, and ultimately become Metro 2040.

Timeframe 2013-2025 2013-2040 and beyond
Developed by Metro Metro, with input from the project’s Technical Advisory Group
Status WMATA Board adopted in June 2013 In progress. Expected completion in early 2014.
Which jurisdictions and agencies are included? Metro only All jurisdictions and transit agencies who operate within the WMATA Compact
What modes are included in the plan?
  • Metrorail,
  • MetroBus, and
  • MetroAccess
  • Metrorail,
  • MetroBus,
  • Local bus,
  • Commuter rail,
  • Commuter bus,
  • Streetcar,
  • Bus rapid transit, and
  • Light rail.

Sorry, no personal rapid transit or hyperloops!

What are the components of the plan?
  • Non-infrastructure priority actions for the Authority to guide future decisions.
  • Infrastructure improvements to resolve the Metrorail’s core capacity issues,
  • Identification of regionally significant corridors to better connect communities with high capacity transit,
  • Guidelines to provide better access to transit, and
  • Guidelines for Metrorail extensions.
Examples of projects or initiatives in the plan
  • All eight-car trains (longest possible),
  • Core station improvements,
  • Metrobus Priority Corridor Network (PCN),
  • Next generation communications system,
  • Bus fleet expansion,
  • Additional pocket tracks, and
  • New Blue Line connections
Though the plan is still underway, the below indicate possible initiatives under consideration:

  • New rail lines in the system core (e.g. new Blue Line or new Yellow Line),
  • High capacity transit corridors that connect regional activity centers, communities where jobs and housing are concentrated, and
  • Extensions from end of line Metrorail stations.
Funding Identified Some funding has been identified, though the majority is still yet to be determined Not yet
Where can you read more about the plans? Momentum ConnectGreaterWashington
What can you do to support the plans? Tell your friends, family and colleagues and endorse the plan! Review our posts, ask questions and/or post comments, and look forward to a plan in 2014!

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