We explore questions about WMATA’s creation and how decisions are made in our “Metro 101” series.

Metrorail groundbreaking at Judiciary Square (December 9, 1969)
Why was WMATA created?
WMATA was founded in 1967 to serve 3 primary functions:
- To plan, develop, finance and “cause to be operated” improved transit facilities as part of a balanced regional transportation system;
- To coordinate the operation of the public and privately owned or controlled transit facilities into a unified regional transit system;
- To serve “other regional purposes” as needed.
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A large majority of trips on Metrorail cross jurisdictional boundaries, illustrating that Metro is indeed a regional service.
We’ve mentioned before how the station improvements in Metro 2025 will benefit riders from all jurisdictions. In fact, Dupont Circle is the only station identified in Metro 2025 with a majority of users living in DC. We thought we’d take another look at ridership that crosses jurisdictional boundaries. The table below illustrates the percent of trips, by jurisdiction of origin, that cross into another jurisdiction on Metrorail, sliced by Weekday AM Peak, Weekday PM Peak and Weekend. Data is from October 2014 and includes the new Silver Line stations.

A few things pop out: Read more…
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