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The Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Improvement Program

August 18th, 2011 3 comments

Back in December, we told you about the Metrorail Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Improvements Study, which recommended ways for enhancing bicycle and pedestrian access in and around Metrorail stations.  Since then, Metro has been developing a capital program aimed at implementing some of these recommendations.  Here is an update on our progress and some discussion on what’s next:

Recent Highlights

In February, Metro’s Board of Directors adopted a goal to increase bike mode share from 0.7% to 2.1% by 2020 and 3.5% by 2030.  Around the same time, we made improvements to the bicycle section on Metro’s website.   This spring, we surveyed use and capacity of bike racks at Metrorail stations and conducted an inventory of unmet bike and pedestrian needs at Metrorail stations.
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