The Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Improvement Program
Back in December, we told you about the Metrorail Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Improvements Study, which recommended ways for enhancing bicycle and pedestrian access in and around Metrorail stations. Since then, Metro has been developing a capital program aimed at implementing some of these recommendations. Here is an update on our progress and some discussion on what’s next:
Recent Highlights
In February, Metro’s Board of Directors adopted a goal to increase bike mode share from 0.7% to 2.1% by 2020 and 3.5% by 2030. Around the same time, we made improvements to the bicycle section on Metro’s website. This spring, we surveyed use and capacity of bike racks at Metrorail stations and conducted an inventory of unmet bike and pedestrian needs at Metrorail stations.
In addition, we have completed a number of improvements at stations, including the following:
- Replacing old, underperforming bike racks to increase parking capacity. We have replaced the last 300 old-style racks remaining in the system.
- Providing new access points for bikes and pedestrians
- Providing sidewalks to improve customer safety
Here are some before and after photos:
What’s Next
We’ll continue to replace old bike racks to a maintain state-of-good-repair of bike facilities. As discussed, we are designing and will construct a secure bicycle parking facility at the College Park station. We hope to use this design as a template to build more. Also, we are going to tabulate the results from the station inventory, then prioritize needs to create a Master Plan of bike and pedestrian improvements at Metrorail Stations including:
- Pedestrian sidewalks, paths, and signage, bike lanes and sharrows
- Intersection/ pedestrian crossing improvements
- Secure and covered bicycle parking
- Expanded bicycle parking, including racks and high performance bike storage facilities
- Lighting and security improvements
As we develop the list of needs, we’ll come to you with another post. In the meantime, did you know that you can use Google Maps to plot your route to your station or bus stop? Click on the bike icon under the “get directions” tab on the left hand side of the page.
Two places off the top of my head that I’d love to see some adjustments…
Naylor Rd:
– More definition to its ped access on the south side, at the P&R gate. Some sidewalk at the unpaved parts & a crosswalk across the P&R driveway.
– A new ped access on the west side near to Suitland Pkwy.
Dunn Loring / Merrifield:
– A better-defined ped path extending to the eastern P&R access, with sidewalk along the worn-in trail.
– Also working w/ VDOT across SR 699 (Prosperity Ave) to get a median refuge between the left-turn lanes to the P&R and Merrifield Dr, including a marked crosswalk.
– (I’m hoping to sketch these up sometime in the near future, but my free time keeps getting side-tracked by other diversions)
Thanks! Great to see so many other projects already in the works & completed :)
I’m wondering what metro does if they’re trying to replace a bike rack, and there is already a bike hooked up to it.
How about enhancing bicycle customer service? I sent an email to the bikelocker address requesting information about a locker. I received no acknowledgment or answer to my specific questions, but days later received the contract in the mail. I’m only assuming this means there is a locker available at my requested location, but there was no letter, instruction, just an envelope with a blank contract and another page with just the address of where to return the contract.
A “free” upgrade to Metro’s bike services would be to respond to those emails and throw a form letter in with information about the requested area, what to expect next in the process, thanks for your interest, etc. etc. Because I can only imagine the response I’ll receive when the lock breaks on my locker or some other maintenance is required.