TAG Meeting #7: Analysis of Enhanced Surface Transit, Metrorail Extensions, and New Metrorail Lines Through and Around the Core
May 5, 2011
In May, we continued to provide the TAG with model results of several strategies aimed to improve surface transit in the region, such as an enhanced priority corridor network, streetcar network, and light rail extensions. This round of modeling also tested new Metrorail lines including a beltway line and new brown line. Finally, additional Metrorail enhancements were considered such as a relocated silver line with a Ballston-Rosslyn bypass, and a new set of extensions to suburban activity centers. The results of these model runs show the impact of each of these strategies on weekday transit boardings by mode, Metrorail boardings by line, regional transit share, regional transit linked trips, as well as an examination of passengers per rail car during the peak hour. The strategies modeled during this round address the need to increase core system capacity, connect to new and emerging markets, and provide priority for and enhancements to surface transit corridors in the region – three of the four goals of the RTSP.
Download the Meeting Materials: TAG_07_Meeting.pdf (PDF, 3.1 MB)
Why, in both of your rounds of studies of additional metro lines and extensions is there never any mention of providing service in South Arlington and adjacent areas of Fairfax and Alexandria? There is clearly a huge gap in metro service affecting this area (Columbia Pike to Bailey’s/Skyline; and the I-395 corridor). The original ARS from 1968 even shows a planned future extension from the Pentagon along Columbia Pike to the Skyline/Mark Center area.
Have you simply decided to ignore the area, and accept the unproven contention that Arlington’s silly Columbia Pike streetcar (which will move incredibly slowly, too slowly for anyone who wants to use the line to commute more than a handful of stops) is sufficient rail transit for these two parallel corridors?
Why not study a metro line (perhaps a Blue Line, separated from the Yellow) running from the Pentagon to the vicinity of the current Van Dorn station (along Columbia Pike to Skyline/Mark Center, then via 395 and Van Dorn Street) or one that dips from Columbia Pike to 395 at Shirlington before following 395 to Van Dorn?
And, separately, why not study a cross-Northern Virginia line? Perhaps running from King Street (in Alexandria) along Rt 7 to Fairlington (King St/Quaker Lane/ Braddock Rd intersection, then along Braddock to the Mark Center/Seminary Rd, then along Seminary to Skyline/NOVA, then back along Rt 7 to Baileys, Seven Corners, Falls Church, and finally south Tysons Corner where it could link up with the Silver Line).
Finally, is there any interest in providing rail transit along US 50 in Arlington/Fairfax county?