Archive for August 29th, 2013

Proposed Bus Service Improvements in Southwest DC (Routes 74, V7, V8, V9, and U2)

August 29th, 2013 15 comments

Metro is proposing to implement one of two possible restructurings of Routes 74, V7, V8, V9 and U2 to improve the efficiency of bus service in Southwest DC and provide a better balance of capacity and demand.

Option 1: Reroute the V7 and V8 between M St and Delaware Ave SW and 6th St and I St SW to travel via Delaware Avenue SW, Canal Street SW, P Street SW, 4th Street SW, M Street SW, and 6th Street SW.  Service on the V7 and V8 would also be extend to the Convention Center (K & 6th Streets NW) via 7th Street NW.  V7 and V8 service would be discontinued between Minnesota Ave Station and Deanwood Station, from 3rd Street SW to I Street SW between 6th Street and 3rd Street, and between L’Enfant Plaza and Bureau of Engraving. Route U2 would be extended from Minnesota Ave Station to Deanwood Station and Sunday service added between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. every 30-40 minutes.  Route 74 would be discontinued.  There would be no changes to Route V9

Option 2: Shorten the V9 to operate between Benning Heights and Potomac Ave Station.  Service would be reduced on Route 74 to every 16-20 minutes weekdays and operate between 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.  There would be no changes to Routes V7 or V8.

The maps below illustrates the changes proposed. Please review and let us know what you think.  We will also be presenting these options at our upcoming public hearings.


Map showing elimination of Route 74 service and enhancement of services on Routes V7, V8 and V9.  Click image for larger version.


Map showing replacement of a portion of the V7 and V8 routes with an extension of the U2 route. Click image for larger version.


Categories: Engage Tags:

Restructuring bus service in Bowie, MD

August 29th, 2013 3 comments

Earlier this year Metro conducted a comprehensive service evaluation study of the bus routes serving Bowie, MD.  Metro is currently looking at implementing some of the recommendations that emerged from the study.  Three options are under consideration:

Option 1: Instead of operating to New Carrollton Station, all service on the B21, B22, B29 and C28 routes would terminate at the Bowie Park & Ride lot.  To reach the New Carrollton Station, riders on these routes would connect with a new shuttle service at the Bowie Park & Ride lot. The shuttle service would travel via John Hanson Highway and operate every 10-15 minutes.

Option 2: Routes B21, B22, B29 would continue to operate through the Bowie Park & Ride lot to New Carrollton Station. The frequency on each route would increase during rush hours to an even 30 minutes. Schedules would be coordinated between the three routes at the Bowie Park & Ride lot to provide a 10 minute service frequency to and from the New Carrollton Station.

Option 3: This option is the same as Option 2 but would also eliminate service to the Crofton Park & Ride lot on B29.  This route would, instead, serve the Bowie Health Center, Bowie Senior Center, Bowie Town Center, and Gateway Center.  B31 trips would also be converted to B29 trips.

The maps below illustrates the changes proposed. Please review and let us know what you think.  We will also be presenting these options at our upcoming public hearings.

Bowie Option 1

Map illustrating Bowie routes restructuring Option 1. Click image for larger version.


Bowie Option 3

Map showing Bowie routes restructuring Option 3. Click image for larger version.


Categories: Engage Tags: