Bike to Metro, and Metro to Work, on Bike-to-Work-Day May 17

Join Metro at pitstops at Cheverly and West Hyattsville Metrorail stations on Bike to Work Day, May 17. Register now for your free T-shirt!
Bike to Work Day is coming soon – and biking to Metro counts too, especially for your free T-Shirt! If riding all the way to work sounds a little daunting, have no fear. Nearly every Metrorail station has bike racks where you can lock up your bike, and continue your commute by rail. And every Metrobus has a bike rack on the front with space for your bike, too.
So bike to Metro on Friday May 17 and pick up free stuff, too! There will be over 70 pitstops that morning, including many right near Metro stations.
This year, join Metro for Bike to Work Day pitstops at West Hyattsville and Cheverly stations for:
- Giveaways and maps
- Safety and transit tips
- Bus bike rack demonstration, with a bus on hand
Register now at, and enter pitstop West Hyattsville or Cheverly Metro stations.
West Hyattsville station is directly accessible to the Anacostia Northwest Branch trail and the Sligo Creek trail. Cheverly station has good bike access to the neighborhood of Cheverly to the north, and signs will guide bicyclists from Cheverly Ave. and Columbia Park Rd. We’ll have plenty of bike parking on hand for the day!
More about Bikes and Metro:
- Bikes are allowed on Metrorail at all times except weekdays, 7-10am and 4-7pm
- A new secure Bike & Ride parking facility is available at College Park-U of MD Station
- All Metrorail stations (except for Arlington Cemetery) have bike racks
WMATA’s Trip Planner is a great resource for planning multimodal trips.
In an effort to promote bike to work day this Friday May 17th my friends and I have created a short video illustrating the joy of bike commuting. We are hoping to inspire as many people as we can with this short video and would love your help in sending it out to your network and posting it on your website. Unfortunately we are running out of time since Bike to Work Day is only days away, so if you are able to get the word out quickly, we would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for your support,
Please support bike to work day by sharing this video with your friends by email, facebook, twitter, blog and so on…
For twitter:
To embed in your website:
Bike to work, May 17