TAG Meeting #4: Base Case, Interline and New N-S Yellow Line Model Results
July 15, 2010
The planning process for the RTSP has been an iterative one which allows for the exchange of information and feedback from the TAG members. The fourth meeting of the TAG included a review of the model results of the Base Case or Max CLRP and these strategies: New North-South Yellow Line on 10th Street, SW/NW; and a New North-South Yellow Line on 2nd Street, SE/NE. The results of these model runs showed the impact of each of these strategies on the passengers per rail car during the peak hour and the impact of rail inter-lining at key rail transfer points like L’Enfant Plaza, Rosslyn and Metro Center. These strategies address the need to increase core rail system capacity, one of the goals of the RTSP.
TAG Meeting 4 Presentation (3MB, PDF)
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