SpeakUp! Washington Metro Region – It’s Your Ride!
It might bend your brain a little to think about it – but we’re doing outreach to improve our outreach! In order to help us be more successful at reaching our riders and engaging them in meaningful two-way conversations, we’ve embarked upon a project to ask our our customers and the non-riding public what will work for them. Our goal is to use the input we receive to create a toolkit that will help us tailor our outreach to a variety of communities.
Metro’s SpeakUp! It’s Your Ride campaign is the publicly visible piece of a larger project to develop an agency-wide public participation plan that will boost inclusiveness, diversity and accessibility when getting feedback about decisions that affect riders. We’ll be hosting a number of festive events around the region where we’ll be asking people how they typically get their information and how they would like to give us their opinions on projects and programs.
You can find the schedule here at wmata.com/speakup or en Español at hablaconmetro.com, along with a link to the survey we have out there to collect this info. Stop by an event or fill the survey in on-line. Tell your friends and family – we want to hear from you!
See below for some photos from the DC United season opener SpeakUp It’s your Ride pop-up event.
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